50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Box with every pillow
50% OFF Mystery Cover With Any Pillow
As the year 2020 unfolded, we found ourselves besieged in our lairs, fighting daily battles online against the myriad monsters and aliens at our doors. Battles would last for hours, sometimes days, and they took their toll on our ageing bodies. Shoulder and neck pain would go hand in hand with sessions of Destiny, Fifa, and Fortnite. As the year wore on and the encounters multiplied, a solution was desperately needed to end the inevitable aches and pains.
Then one day, eurika! A vision struck like a bolt from the heavens, and specs were etched in our minds. Thus, the workbenches were readied and a great weapon was forged. Using only the finest materials, farmed from near and far, and woven by skilful elves, a first of its kind, hand crafted gaming pillow was born.
It came to be known as The Valari, a true legendary piece of gear that would change our lives forever. Suddenly the aches and pains were banished to the pre pillow days of yore.
It is then that our true quest began... to arm all gamers everywhere with this, the ultimate weapon of comfort. For once you have a Valari by your side, you will never do battle without it again.